
All-seeing eyes Rotorhub article

Published on: December 2021

Locating someone in need of rescue or tracking a criminal trying to evade capture has never been easier for helicopter operators thanks to recent advances in electro-optical and infrared imaging systems. Emma Kelly casts her eyes over the latest technology.

Developments in electro-optical and infrared (EO/IR) system technology in areas such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, high-definition sensors and enhanced processors are delivering vast improvements to mission effectiveness for operators in search and rescue, law enforcement and maritime surveillance.
Complex missions are being made easier and operator workload is being reduced thanks to advances by suppliers around the world, with more to come.

For Australian company Sentient Vision Systems, the gamechanger in EO/IR technology is artificial intelligence. The AI specialist has developed automated detection software for EO/IR sensors and mission systems.

Read more on Page 31.